The first steps…

Welcome, Wanderer of the Internet!

As a part of spending my free time I decided to start a blog about my hobby to share some of my adventures through the forests of plastic trees, rivers of PVA glue and villages of MDF houses.

When I first had this idea of having an online diary (using the word ‘blogging’ is still too hipster for me :)) I tried to find the right questions and then the answers for them: why, what topics, which language, which period and so on…

I think the most difficult question to answer was the why. I’m always happy to read or find new blogs, fan sites or forums in relation with my hobby as I can find lots of inspiration, information or new techniques. I decided that maybe I should try myself out. An online diary about the several (parallel) projects might help me to organise them in a better way and it will be easier to go back to an older, unfinished army.

My working table. at the moment. I like to work with different projects at the same time…

The answer for ‘what topics’ is easier: I try to focus on Hungarian themed projects, want to start with two from different time periods. I really like the idea of wargaming but unfortunately I don’t often have time or opportunity to player with others. So this interest usually ends in planning/building armies and looking for (solo) rules. So why Hungarians? Because I think we have an interesting history, Hungarian soldiers fought in almost every period with sometimes really unique and cool units (just think about the Varangian bodyguards led by our first Prince, Imre; or the light cavalry of hussars). As there are many sources available only in Hungarian, it is difficult for the non-speakers to research (well, in the last few years there are more and more Hungarian themed miniatures, articles but there are still many undiscovered topics). So, I hope that some of the future posts will help others to paint and build some miniatures with colourful uniforms and great moustaches. I will also try to post some DIY terrain and other stuff related to this hobby or just show some pictures about other ongoing projects.

Footmen standing guard from the houses of Gutkeled and Héder (~12th century)

Well, from the previous paragraph I think it is pretty obvious why I choose English as the language of the blog (sometimes I will indicate the original Hungarian version in case of organisations, ranks etc.). Besides it is a great opportunity for me to practice writing too.

There will be various periods as I couldn’t just stick to one project (suspect I’m not the only one :)), there could be posts from world war 2 (maybe 1), medieval times or modern themes.

Honvéds and hussars leaving the forest during a maneuver in 1849

Hope I don’t get to philosophical, promise the next posts will be more to the point and informative

Let the journey begin, hope you join me!

Published by vipimig

A history enthusiastic building and paintig minis

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