Report from the table – Week 27

Another week is down, so welcome again at the report from my table! Let’s see this week’s progress.

First of all I finished and posted the third part of the Hungarian Royal Police project, plan to order the minis for that next week. I’m happy that I did that, worked a lot on the topic and sometimes I feel that my posts are longer than they should.

I’m moving on with the Brits’ and Germans’ painting, hope to finish the British next week and the Germans after that.

I’ve started to paint the conversed MAN truck. It is going to be a part of another project, which I will have to start earlier because some of the news in this week. Follow my blog and you will find out what was it 😉

During the quarantine I ordered a German Opel radio truck which arrived this week, check out the picture (the antenna is still not on).

I am a bit behind with the Jagdtiger and the continuing of the terrains, but I’m not afraid, usually this is how things going, doing some work, then a (long) pause, then doing again something and then finishing it. That is why I’ve started to write this online diary, so it might help me to be a bit more organised.

Anyway, that is all for this week, stay safe and see you next Sunday!

Published by vipimig

A history enthusiastic building and paintig minis

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