Report from the table – Week 36

Another week, another report!

This week was a bit busy but still I have managed to do a few things.

I’m working on a post on the uniform colours and conversion of Hungarian Royal Army soldiers. Plus, the Royal Police minis arrived, so I will continue that project too.

The Jadgtiger is advancing steadily, I finished the camo and some of the tools.

The last two road sections are ready, next terrain pieces will be fences!

The biggest success of this week is finishing the Brits. I have got two platoons of infantry, plus a company HQ and 3 Shermans (these models are from the first Flames of War starter box some 10 years ago). Now my Germans have an enemy, so I can have some solo games.

The Brits on their storage plate (part of an IKEA cupboard, very useful)

I was thinking a lot about these weekly posts as these are not my viewed posts, but I still think that they help me to monitor my progress with different projects, plus put pressure on me to work on the minis as I have to report something every week 🙂

So that is for this week, next week will be also a bit busy, but after that the forecast is that I will have some more hobby time. See you next Sunday!

Published by vipimig

A history enthusiastic building and paintig minis

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