Report from the table – Week 49

Is it Sunday again, but today is special as it is not just the end of the 49th week of the year, but also the second Sunday of Advent, when we light the candles on the Advent wreath in Hungary. It is a custom in Hungary (and many other countries with Christian origins), the light one candle every Sunday four weeks before Christmas. This also signalled that a time for a fast has arrived.

As I am not going to work in the last weeks of the year it also signals me that it is time to finish all the work and close all the cases I can, so instead of fast, overtime has arrived. But still I managed to move on with some of the ongoing projects and I also have started to plan what to finish and what to bring to the New Year. Let’s see them!


The Hungarian Royal Police infantry: I finished the painting, next week is about washing anf highlighting the minis, plus working on the bases. This a project I want to close this year by al means.

The Austrian guns and crews of 1848/49 are coming together nicely, I managed to finish painting, so the finishing touches and basing will remain. It was quite difficult to paint the helmets, plus I had some problem with the yellow colour on the guns. I also primed some Austrian infantry from the same period, enough for five bases. I would like to speed up with this project next year and make some posts about them too.

On the vehicle front: ambulance is still kind of halted, but I corrected the lower half of the red lines on the sides. Next week maybe I will do the upper side. But no rush.

With the 15mm Panzer IVs I moved on, all of them is assembled, the turrets and some of the Schürtzen are primed and also started to put base colour on the turrets. I will do them in smaller parts until painting the camo.

The structure paste in on the way, I had to order it from another company. When it is here, I will continue the river sections and the base of the ruined wall.

Let’s prioritise the work then: number one is the HRP project, then the Pz. IVs (as more vehicles are on the way due to the Battlefront’s sale, duh…), then the 1848/49 project and the rest should line up after them. In relation with blog posts: last HRP posts plus one post to close the year and plan the next one.

I need to speed up!

See you next week!

P.s.: if you want to watch something cool and unique, don’t forget to watch the live hour-by-hour show about Pearl Harbour on 7th December, 06:00 am Hawaii time, here:

Published by vipimig

A history enthusiastic building and paintig minis

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