Report from the table – 2021/9

It has been a quite long time since my last report, let’s see how are the projects going on my table?

The last few weeks were quite full of work and sometimes I found that I had a mood for playing some solo turns on the table (now testing the rule 7 Days To The River Rhine), rather then painting the minis.

Luckily more figures arrived for the Mongol project and I’m painting them with a steady speed. I think I will have enough warriors to play some Lion Rampant games with them in around a month. After that I’ll write about how they perform on the battlefield!

The 4 Sd Kfz 10/4 light AA vehicles from Battlefront are almost ready, I’m painting now their SS crew. I will try to post some pictures about them in my next report.

The work with the Hungarian infantry minis of 1848/49 had a great leap forward, the main colours of the uniform and equipment are ready, next step is the details and rifles.

Terrain: the wooden palisade sections are ready, you can read the post about them here. I painted some boars from Xyston Miniatures too, check the picture about them. They add some nice flavour to the table 🙂 At the moment I’m working on a longer river section, plan is to have enough to cover the longer axis of my gaming table. Maybe will make some curves and other supplements later.

I’m a bit sad that I couldn’t prepare as much posts as in previous months, but still happy that besides all the work I still have time to go on with the projects and play some games. Hope to see you next time!

Published by vipimig

A history enthusiastic building and paintig minis

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