Folding gaming table from Gamemat: review

Mostly because of work I don’t really have time to go down to a club and play wargames, so solo gaming remained as a viable option. During the home office period I started to look at different solutions on how to set up a gaming space at home. My requirements were that the playing surface have to be big enough for larger games (120×160 cm or larger), should not cause a problem if a game is set up for couple of days or more (I might only have time during an evening for a couple of rounds) and if necessary, I could pack it away. Thanks to the internet I found the perfect solution: a Czech company making foldable wargaming tables!

Gamemat has many offers for those who are looking for a new table. You can order them with a gaming area of 44″x 60″ or 6’x 4′ and now in two colours. As a simple table surface is not the best looking in regards of terrain, but you can also buy some good quality single or double sided gamemats too.

When I ordered mine I had an option for discount and got the table plus a mat for a cheaper price. Due to COVID and shipment problems the package arrived with a bit of late, but communications were excellent with the company, and I even got an extra mat as gratis!

My 6’x 4′ (or 180 cmx120 cm) table could be packed into a 47 cm x 122 cm x 13 cm size. Setting up is quite easy, you just need to open the sides, put on the legs and turn the whole thing around. I recommend 2 people to the set up to avoid any damage, although the table is quite light, due to made out of aluminium. One important thing is that ig is not a regular table so always watch out for putting heavy things on it!

All in all I really like the design of the table and I think it a must to have, if you don’t have a separate gaming room.

Published by vipimig

A history enthusiastic building and paintig minis

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