DIY Terrain: Barbed wire

My first Do It Yourself terrain post will be about an effective obstacle against infantry (and cavalry): the barbed wire. As it is a cheap, easy to deploy and replace tool to protect or deny movement to certain areas, and was used in different forms since the American Civil War, having it on a gamingContinue reading “DIY Terrain: Barbed wire”

Report from the table – Week 25

Another week, another report from the table post! 🙂 This week has been a double return: I started to work again after vacation plus finished the home office and moved back to the office. However, I still managed to do a few things. Let’s see them! I primed the second batch of British infantry plusContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 25”

Report from the table, vacation edition – Week 24

Welcome! This week we went on a vacation with my GF, so I couldn’t report about any progress on my projects. However, I like to visit historical places during my free time and luckily my Better Half supports me in that. In the following I would like to share some of the photos we haveContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – Week 24”

The Hungarian Royal Police – Part Two: Uniform, weapons and equipment

In the previous post I wrote about the history and organisation of the Hungarian Royal Police (Magyar Királyi Rendőrség). In this one we will go through the uniforms they wore and weapons they used, especially during the Second World War. Uniform The uniform of the law enforcement forces around the world represents that the personContinue reading “The Hungarian Royal Police – Part Two: Uniform, weapons and equipment”

Report from the table – Week 23

Welcome back! Let’s go through this week’s progress: well, it is not much. I had a quite busy time in work, so I only managed to do a few things. The first set of 15mm British Grenadier Guards infantry miniatures are fully painted and varnished, waiting for basing. The second group is waiting for primingContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 23”

Report from the table – Week 22

To encourage (and maybe pressurize) myself to carry on with ongoing projects I will post every week about what is on my table, except of course the usual chaos. Well, this week I managed to finish some Shermans, 15mm, for the British Guards Armored Division. I worked on British infantry from Battlefront’s new British InfantryContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 22”

The Hungarian Royal Police – Part One: Organisation and history

The first real post I planned to be about a unique topic, as there is not so many information about it on the net, especially not in English. The Hungarian Royal Police’s (Magyar Királyi Rendőrség) establishment could be derived from the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 when the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was established. At this time lawContinue reading “The Hungarian Royal Police – Part One: Organisation and history”

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