Report from the table, vacation edition – 2022/01

In the foggy last week of February we had a little and short vacation and visited the city of Gyula, situated on the border with Romania. There are several historical sites in and around the city, but I will only focus now on the castle, located in the middle of Gyula. History The city ofContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2022/01”

Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10

Welcome again! It has been a while since my last report, but the weeks were full with work and family matters and only had limited time for painting (although I had plenty of time to read new rules for future games). I will make a post about how the different projects are going on, butContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10”

Report from the table – 2021/7

Welcome again! It was quite a long time since my last report from the table, but things were busy both on the blog and on the projects too (and we shouldn’t even speak about the normal work…). Let’s see what happened in the previous weeks! The Mongol invasion project has begun: I have finished andContinue reading “Report from the table – 2021/7”

Report from the table – 2021/5

Welcome again! It is three weeks now, since my last report and many things happened, so let’s go through them! All the 5 Panzer IVs are fully ready! Yeeaah! They will be a part of a D-day themed FoW army (12th SS Pz division). The next vehicles on my table are two British Typhoon fighters,Continue reading “Report from the table – 2021/5”

Report from the table – 2021/4

Welcome back! Two weeks are down since my last report, so it is time again to look at the ongoing projects! The camo is ready on the 5 Panzer IVs that will be the bulk of my SS army in Caen (or somewhere else). I have already started putting on the decals, next step willContinue reading “Report from the table – 2021/4”

Report from the table – 2021/2

Welcome again! As I stated in my previous post, in 2021 I’m going to try the method that I will make a report only if I manage to have a big progress with one the projects, something historically important happened or every second week. So after two weeks it is time to check the ongoingContinue reading “Report from the table – 2021/2”

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