Report from the table, vacation edition – 2022/01

In the foggy last week of February we had a little and short vacation and visited the city of Gyula, situated on the border with Romania. There are several historical sites in and around the city, but I will only focus now on the castle, located in the middle of Gyula. History The city ofContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2022/01”

Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10

Welcome again! It has been a while since my last report, but the weeks were full with work and family matters and only had limited time for painting (although I had plenty of time to read new rules for future games). I will make a post about how the different projects are going on, butContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10”

Report from the table – Week 41

It is Sunday again, which means a new report. As this week we had a National Day of Mourning, the 6th of October, this post going to be a special episode. First let’s see the progress: The 120mm mortars and Hungarian crews are ready and varnished, will do the basing next week. With the RoyalContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 41”

Solo AAR – Hungarians vs Austrians (Borúra derű!)

Welcome to my first After Action Report on this blog! As I had a couple of overtime hours, I took a day off and had a nice and quick solo game with a free Hungarian rule, called Borúra derű! (translated like Serenity after sadness). It is for playing regiment, brigade or division level battles inContinue reading “Solo AAR – Hungarians vs Austrians (Borúra derű!)”

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