DIY Terrain: River sections

There are only a few real or fantasy regions and sci-fi planets, where the presence of some kind of river is not common. Whether it is wide and fast, frozen or as narrow that a child can jump over it, rivers are an integral part of wargaming and battle tables. They not just divide theContinue reading “DIY Terrain: River sections”

DIY Terrain: Ruined wall section

If you play modern wargames (WW1 and after) for certain scenarios you will need urban areas, which, after shorter or longer fights, could become damaged, so building ruins and damaged wall sections will be useful to have on your table. With Battlefront introducing the new city ruins with Bagration rulebook, this topic has become popularContinue reading “DIY Terrain: Ruined wall section”

DIY Terrain: Cobblestone road sections

An iconic and essential part of a battlefield (except some cases) is the road system. Whether it is the German Autobahn with long, double lined sections and overpasses in some WW3 scenarios, or some muddy roads where the Vikings can approach the Saxon village, you need to indicate them somehow on your table. There areContinue reading “DIY Terrain: Cobblestone road sections”

Report from the table – Week 25

Another week, another report from the table post! 🙂 This week has been a double return: I started to work again after vacation plus finished the home office and moved back to the office. However, I still managed to do a few things. Let’s see them! I primed the second batch of British infantry plusContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 25”

Report from the table – Week 23

Welcome back! Let’s go through this week’s progress: well, it is not much. I had a quite busy time in work, so I only managed to do a few things. The first set of 15mm British Grenadier Guards infantry miniatures are fully painted and varnished, waiting for basing. The second group is waiting for primingContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 23”

Report from the table – Week 22

To encourage (and maybe pressurize) myself to carry on with ongoing projects I will post every week about what is on my table, except of course the usual chaos. Well, this week I managed to finish some Shermans, 15mm, for the British Guards Armored Division. I worked on British infantry from Battlefront’s new British InfantryContinue reading “Report from the table – Week 22”

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