HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry and mobile forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 2 – operations

After moving through the uniform and organisation of the cavalry forces during the Barbarossa campaign, this part will be about the combat operations of the Mobile Corps and the Carpathian Group in the Soviet Union, some more OOBs and a short analysis on how effective these units were. But first of all, after the firstContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry and mobile forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 2 – operations”

HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 1

The next part of my HRA project will be the cavalry forces, especially their operations and performance in the Operation Barbarossa, the attack against the Soviet Union. Uniform After the 1st World War and the turmoil that followed it, the new Hungarian Royal Army (HRA) needed a uniform to equip the remaining troops. As theContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 1”

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