HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA River Forces during WW2

To continue with the Hungarian Royal Army’s unit types during WW2, this post will be about a lesser-known branch, the River Forces. History After the 1st World War, on 1st March 1921 the Royal Hungarian River Guard (Magyar Királyi Folyamőrség) was established under the Ministry of Interior. Officially they carried out police activities in relationContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA River Forces during WW2”

HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: armoured divisions during WW2 late war

As Battlefront is coming out with a new army book for their Flames of War rule system, called Bagration Axis-Allies, containing late war Hungarian armies and units, I thought I will prepare a short summary about the Hungarian Royal Army’s (HRA) armoured divisions and units in 1944-45. I’m long planning to build some armour toContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: armoured divisions during WW2 late war”

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