Report from the table, vacation edition – 2022/01

In the foggy last week of February we had a little and short vacation and visited the city of Gyula, situated on the border with Romania. There are several historical sites in and around the city, but I will only focus now on the castle, located in the middle of Gyula. History The city ofContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2022/01”

Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10

Welcome again! It has been a while since my last report, but the weeks were full with work and family matters and only had limited time for painting (although I had plenty of time to read new rules for future games). I will make a post about how the different projects are going on, butContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10”

The Mongols are coming! – The aftermath of the battle of Muhi

The battle of Muhi is over. The field is filled with bodies. Both Hungarian and Mongol. The King is running away with a handful of knights and with Mongols in his trail. Many warriors are trying to get away through the fields, forests and marshes. The glorious and victorious Mongol army started their march intoContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – The aftermath of the battle of Muhi”

The Mongols are coming! – The battle of Muhi

11th April 1241. 780 years ago on this day the history of Hungary has changed and took a turn which could no one estimate in the previous 300 years and will not happen again in the next 285 years. The Hungarian royal army and the mighty Mongol horde clashed at the battlefield near Muhi. AsContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – The battle of Muhi”

The Mongols are coming! – The prelude and the start of the invasion

After going through the brief history and army of the 13th century Hungary, plus the Mongol Empire, it is time to look at the events leading to the invasion, and the first part of the campaign until the battle of Muhi. The Mongol threat was not unknown or underestimated by the Hungarian King (despite popularContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – The prelude and the start of the invasion”

The Mongols are coming! – The Mongol Empire and the army of the Hungarian invasion

After introducing Hungary and its army in the 13th forces, it is time to meet the other side, the Mongol Empire and the invasion forces. I think the Golden Horde or Mongol Empire is one of the better known point in the history, there are only a few people who never heard about Ghengis KhanContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – The Mongol Empire and the army of the Hungarian invasion”

The Mongols are coming! – The Hungarian army in the 13th century

The previous post was about the introduction of the theatre of the invasion: the Hungarian Kingdom in the 13th century. It is time to see what options the Hungarian king had, to fight military campaigns or defend the country. Before going into details I would like to mention that, as you might noticed, I amContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – The Hungarian army in the 13th century”

The Mongols are coming! – The Hungarian Kingdom in the 13th century

Before posting anything about the Mongol invasion of Hungary, it is necessary to write about the country that is the centerpiece of the project and tried to stop the mighty horde. The Hungarian Kingdom was established by Saint Stephen I, crowned in 1000 (or 1001), who introduced a feudal social system and continued the spreadingContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – The Hungarian Kingdom in the 13th century”

The Mongols are coming! – A new project on the horizon

Strangely speaking warriors on small and fast horses, riding around a burning village, shooting down with arrows everyone who try to resist or flee, capturing the women and children, executing the men. This was the picture of the Mongol invasion from the Sea of Japan to Eastern Europe. There were only a few armies thatContinue reading “The Mongols are coming! – A new project on the horizon”

Report from the table, vacation edition – Week 24

Welcome! This week we went on a vacation with my GF, so I couldn’t report about any progress on my projects. However, I like to visit historical places during my free time and luckily my Better Half supports me in that. In the following I would like to share some of the photos we haveContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – Week 24”

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