The Plastic Soldier Company’s 15mm Russian Infantry in Summer Uniform: review

I don’t think that I have to introduce the Plastic Soldier Company for those who build, paint and play with 15mm or 25mm WW2 or modern battles (and nowadays they have a 15mm ancient and medieval range too). I have just purchased their box of 15mm Soviet infantry in summer dress, to play them againstContinue reading “The Plastic Soldier Company’s 15mm Russian Infantry in Summer Uniform: review”

HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry and mobile forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 2 – operations

After moving through the uniform and organisation of the cavalry forces during the Barbarossa campaign, this part will be about the combat operations of the Mobile Corps and the Carpathian Group in the Soviet Union, some more OOBs and a short analysis on how effective these units were. But first of all, after the firstContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry and mobile forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 2 – operations”

HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 1

The next part of my HRA project will be the cavalry forces, especially their operations and performance in the Operation Barbarossa, the attack against the Soviet Union. Uniform After the 1st World War and the turmoil that followed it, the new Hungarian Royal Army (HRA) needed a uniform to equip the remaining troops. As theContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA cavalry forces during Operation Barbarossa, part 1”

HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA River Forces during WW2

To continue with the Hungarian Royal Army’s unit types during WW2, this post will be about a lesser-known branch, the River Forces. History After the 1st World War, on 1st March 1921 the Royal Hungarian River Guard (Magyar Királyi Folyamőrség) was established under the Ministry of Interior. Officially they carried out police activities in relationContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: the HRA River Forces during WW2”

Company of Heroes Board Game: alternative use for the bits and bods

My Company of Heroes Board Game finally arrived, after supporting it on Kickstarter. I never thought that I will have to wait around 2 years for it, but the COVID, the problem in Suez and other supply problems led it to their. Anyway the boxes and what are inside them are incredible and high quality.Continue reading “Company of Heroes Board Game: alternative use for the bits and bods”

Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10

Welcome again! It has been a while since my last report, but the weeks were full with work and family matters and only had limited time for painting (although I had plenty of time to read new rules for future games). I will make a post about how the different projects are going on, butContinue reading “Report from the table, vacation edition – 2021/10”

HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: armoured divisions during WW2 late war

As Battlefront is coming out with a new army book for their Flames of War rule system, called Bagration Axis-Allies, containing late war Hungarian armies and units, I thought I will prepare a short summary about the Hungarian Royal Army’s (HRA) armoured divisions and units in 1944-45. I’m long planning to build some armour toContinue reading “HRA – Hungarian Royal Army: armoured divisions during WW2 late war”

Fortress Budapest – unofficial supplement for Firestorm Campaigns

I am always interested in those battles and military operations of World War 2 zhat happened in Hungary. Their importance usually underestimated or forgotten, that is why I was really happy when I first realised there Hungarian units, armies and minis in Flames of War. I was also excited when the Stalin’s Europe army bookContinue reading “Fortress Budapest – unofficial supplement for Firestorm Campaigns”

Report from the table – 2021/4

Welcome back! Two weeks are down since my last report, so it is time again to look at the ongoing projects! The camo is ready on the 5 Panzer IVs that will be the bulk of my SS army in Caen (or somewhere else). I have already started putting on the decals, next step willContinue reading “Report from the table – 2021/4”

Report from the table – 2021/2

Welcome again! As I stated in my previous post, in 2021 I’m going to try the method that I will make a report only if I manage to have a big progress with one the projects, something historically important happened or every second week. So after two weeks it is time to check the ongoingContinue reading “Report from the table – 2021/2”

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